I was recently in Boston to participate in a seminar that was produced by Blue Socket and IBM. The focus of the seminar was virtual wireless LANs. At first blush, the thought of a virtual wireless LAN seems a bit strange. One obvious question is ‘how do you virtualize an access point?” The quick answer is that you don’t. The thrust of the seminar was on the need to separate the control and data plane of a wireless LAN switch in a fashion similar to the Cisco Nexus 1000V. In addition, there is distinct value in virtualizing the controller software and hence creating a virtual wireless LAN. In particular, virtualizing the controller has a number of benefits, including reducing the acquisition cost and making it easier to add capacity as needed.
We are going to follow up the seminar with a Webinar on Sept 30th, at 12pm (EST). Feel free to join us to enjoy an engaging discussion about the benefits of cloud networking, virtualization and virtual wireless LANs.
To sign up go to : http://web06.echomail.com/web02/l.docid=15&mid=948&e=bbe21~ubgznvy.pbz&t=1073
Below is a more formal description of the Webinar:
Whether you're a large enterprise or small to medium business, you'll soon be benefiting from virtualizing your IT organization. Join this discussion to learn how you can consolidate your virtual efforts across the IT organization to build a smarter network that is cost-efficient and future proof. This webinar, moderated by Jim Metzler, will feature Patrick Foy who will talk to us about Virtualizing your WLAN. Expect to hear everything you need to know about Virtual Wireless LANs.
* Recognize what can be virtualized and the advantages of virtualizing them
* Get exposed to the challenges of server virtualization
* Listen and interact with the folks who dare to ask the right questions and develop best practices.
* Understand what is meant by Virtual Wireless LAN and how it can become part of your virtual strategy today